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Can You Control What You Say After Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Wisdom Teeth Extraction FunnyHave you ever come across a post-wisdom teeth removal video on your social media feed? You know, the ones of parents filming their teenagers immediately after the procedure? In case you haven't, here's one for you to check out…

Alright, you've got to admit that was pretty funny. The young girl in the video wasn't aware of what she was doing or saying, the clip was wildly popular and got her thousands of likes on social media! So, what's the secret to these funny videos? What makes people act this way after wisdom teeth extractions?


That's right! Sedation is the mastermind behind these hilarious, meme-worthy videos. Good old anesthesia can get you through what could otherwise be a painful procedure with comfort and ease, while simultaneously making you quite the entertainer.

Here at Summit Dental Center our dentists mostly use IV sedation to get patients through the procedure quickly and painlessly. There are two types of IV sedation we offer:

  • Conscious IV sedation
  • General anesthesia

If the word "IV" scares you, Summit Dental Center offers oral sedation or laughing gas as a substitute. IV sedation, however, is simply recommended for wisdom teeth extraction because it uses a stronger medicine and it works faster than oral sedatives. Either way, at Summit Dental Center we'll make sure  your wisdom teeth are removed quickly and painlessly.

Conscious IV sedation

Don't let the word "conscious" fool you. You won't really be fully aware during the wisdom teeth extraction. It just means you'll have a certain level of responsiveness, meaning you'll be able to respond to any questions or commands your dentist may give you during the procedure. For example, if the dentist tells you to open your mouth, you'll be able to do so, but you won't be aware of it; or if they ask "how are you feeling" you'll be able to respond with "feeling good" or "peachy keen, doc", but again, you won't be aware of it. However, even though you'll be somewhat conscious, you won't feel any pain. In fact, you'll have little, if any, memory of the procedure if you choose this form of sedation.

No breathing tube is needed for conscious IV sedation. Your dentist will probably still numb your gums to minimize pain as much as possible, but honestly, you'll be feeling quite disengaged by that point. You'll be too relaxed to care.

Side effects? Not many. All there is aside from sleepiness is the loopy, almost high, feeling. So to all the family members who will be there after the wisdom tooth extraction, this'll be your chance to whip out your camera. You may want to make it fast, though. Patients who use conscious IV sedation usually recuperate within hours as the medication wears off.

General anesthesia

This is that strong stuff hospitals use to put patients to sleep when surgeries are performed. General anesthesia puts patients into a deeper state of sedation than conscious IV sedation, which is why it's also known as "deep sedation". Because general anesthesia is so strong, a breathing tube may be needed to make sure you receive plenty of oxygen while your nervous system is depressed.

General anesthesia and conscious IV sedation typically use the same drugs, but general anesthesia uses a larger amount to induce a deeper state of sedation. If you choose this form of sedation, you will have no memory of the procedure whatsoever, and you will not be able to interact with the dentist during the procedure.

Along with the hilarious "high", there are a few more side effects you could experience after the procedure with general anesthesia versus conscious IV sedation. These possible side effects are:

  • Sleepiness
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore throat

It's not guaranteed that you will experience any or all these side effects with general anesthesia. It's just more likely to happen. Luckily, the side effects usually disappear quickly as the medication wears off. Then you can enjoy your post-wisdom teeth extraction ice cream in peace!

Which form of sedation is better?

Well, that depends on you. Many patients at Summit Dental Center prefer the conscious IV sedation option. They tend to like the memory loss factor and the relief from anxiety they experience. The medication works fast and the patient "falls asleep" within seconds of receiving it. What really sets conscious IV sedation apart from general anesthesia, though, is that it has little to no side effects.

That said, anesthesia is still a great option for sedation for some people! It's actually a popular choice for those who experience extremely high anxiety levels in the dentist's chair since it leaves no room for memory of the procedure. So, if you just want this experience over and done with as fast as you fall asleep, general anesthesia may be the preferred option for you.

However, if you have an overactive gag reflex, it's recommended to go with conscious IV sedation. With nausea as a possible side effect of general anesthesia, we'd rather eliminate the risk of vomiting after your wisdom teeth extraction.

All in all, both forms of anesthesia are quick, painless, and 100% safe. You'll wake up as fast as you fell asleep and your wisdom teeth will be gone. And if you're still certain you don't want to use an IV, you can always opt for those oral sedatives or laughing gas.

In the end, we just want to give you a quick, painless, and fear-free experience when you get your wisdom teeth removed. Whatever form of sedation makes you the most comfortable is the best form of sedation for you.

Let's make some memes!

Ready to get those wisdom teeth out? Have more questions about our wide range of sedation options? Come visit us at one of 7 Houston-area Summit Dental Center locations or go to for more information. Ready? Call us at 713-425-0450 to schedule an appointment today!

And family members, make sure you charge up your cameras!

Can You Control What You Say After Wisdom Teeth Surgery
